Sedation Dentistry

Here at Rider Dental, your comfort is a top priority. That’s why our office is equipped with the latest and safest in sedation dentistry equipment. We certainly don’t want you to experience any pain that can be easily avoided. We also don’t want you to feel overly anxious while you’re undergoing a dental procedure. We want you relaxed and safe. To achieve these objectives, we offer several options available. There’s always nitrous oxide, and this is perhaps the most popular sedation option in the dental industry. You will be given a gas mask to inhale the NO, and that’s it. You will feel a bit dizzy at first, but then you will feel relaxed and even happy. This method works very quickly, and once we’re done with your procedure the NO gas will leave your system just as fast. We control the timing and the dosage of the gas, so we can really make sure you get just enough and not too much. With our experience, you can even drive yourself home after taking nitrous oxide. Oral sedation is another option, and you will be prescribed pills to help you feel relaxed. You will need to take the meds an hour before your appointment. If you’re extremely anxious about your upcoming procedure, then we may even add another dose. We may ask you to take the oral sedative the night before you visit our office, as well as an hour before the appointment. With oral sedatives, the effect can be deep and last for a long while. If you take the oral sedatives at home as we’ve directed, then you will need to have someone drive you to our dental office. You’ll need to be driven back to your home as well. Driving yourself is not an option, for at least the next 24 hours. Finally, there’s IV sedation which is highly effective for pain relief. If you’re about to undergo a typically painful dental procedure, we may give you a sedative injection. You’ll feel just a bit drowsy as a result, but you won’t experience any pain at all. IV sedation lets you breathe on your own, and it’s a safe alternative to the use of anesthesia. We tend to recommend this option for patients such those with heart disease or diabetes. We’re happy to discuss all of these options in detail prior to your dental procedure.